Friday, May 28, 2010

Summorum Pontificum - What to do if your priests or bishops resist

This today from Rorate Caeli. Go to to read the comments to this post.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The letters are arriving
What can you tell us?

Do you remember this portion of the Papal letter to Bishops which accompanied the publication of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum?
Furthermore, I invite you, dear Brothers, to send to the Holy See an account of your experiences, three years after this Motu Proprio has taken effect. If truly serious difficulties come to light, ways to remedy them can be sought.
A reader in America informs us that his archdiocese received a letter from the Vatican on the application of Summorum Pontificum two weeks ago (just in time for its third anniversary) and is close to sending its response back.

Could you tell us anything, from wherever you are in the world? You may also send us any relevant information on the matter: newcatholic AT gmail DOT com.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Few Good Stories!

This comes from Father Zuhlsdorf's blog, WDTPRS

Here is the link:

And here the excerpt:

An anecdote from a reader

CATEGORY: Our Catholic Identity — Fr. John Zuhlsdorf @ 9:49 am

From a reader:

Hey Father, I wanted to share with you an anecdote from my day at work. I’m a consultant manager at a department store and my job consists of walking around and assisting customers and getting feedback about our store. I noticed an older gentleman in a plaid oxford and slacks sitting in my favorite patio-furniture chair, so I went over to ask him if he loved it as much as I did. Over the course of the conversation it came out that he was an Irish priest visiting, and I had been a seminarian for four years.

We discussed a few things but as soon as I found out that he was a priest, my attitude changed noticeably, so sayeth a co-worker. When Father rose to leave, he shook my hand, and out of habit, I kissed it, and Father began to weep. He told me that no one had kissed his hand in thirty years, and it suddenly "brought forth what a priest, in his dignity, really is." Father then embraced me on the sales floor and told me, still crying, that he was going to go back to the house where he was staying and put clericals on and continue wearing them in public from now on, even when on vacation.

In short, even though this Priest of God was not in clericals, a fairly simple, and rote act informed the coworkers, and even Father, I think, that he was a VIP. Incidentally, it gave me a window to explain to some coworkers about the nature of the priesthood. So it really made my day!

A priest reader sends this from the UK:

Two and a half decades ago, as a newly ordained priest I was venturing out on to the street, when an elderly lady came up to me grasped my hand and kissed it. “Oh get up get up” I said, with all the arrogance of the young, “I am only an ordinary man you know”. The woman looked at me with gentle humour and perhaps pity in her eyes “Father” she said “I am a wife and a mother, I have a husband, I have three sons, I know how ordinary a man can be. It is the Priesthood of Christ I reverence; a priesthood you are privileged to share. Never forget that Father”. I haven’t or the Lady for whom I frequently pray with gratitude.

With thanks for the work you do and the assurrance of my prayers.

Friday, May 7, 2010

March 2010 Road Trip

In March, a few of my friends and I embarked on a road trip to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. On our way we stopped at the FSSP apostolate in St. Catherines for Mass, and Our Lady of Victory Basilica (one of the most beautiful Churches in the United States) in Lackawanna New York. While in the Pittsburgh area we visited St. Anthony's Chapel with over five thousand relics (the largest reliquary outside of the Vatican), St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe Pennsylvania (the first Benedictine Monastery in North America), a quick stop at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and St. Boniface Church for Sunday Mass (The Pittsburgh Latin Mass Society). Add sunny 23 degrees C (74 Fahrenheit) weather in March, and it made for an incredible trip.

If you are in the Pittsburgh area on a Sunday, make sure you attend the High Mass at St. Boniface Church. Here is the link to the Pittsburgh Latin Mass Society.

This picture was taken in the museum in Our Lady of Victory Basilica, and below is a picture of one of the side altars.

The remaining pictures include driving through Pittsburgh the first evening, the following morning at St. Vincents Archabbey in Latrobe PA, inside St. Anthony's Chapel in Pittsburgh, and finally Sunday morning before High Mass at St. Boniface Church in Pittsburgh.