In March, a few of my friends and I embarked on a road trip to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. On our way we stopped at the FSSP apostolate in St. Catherines for Mass, and Our Lady of Victory Basilica (one of the most beautiful Churches in the United States) in Lackawanna New York. While in the Pittsburgh area we visited St. Anthony's Chapel with over five thousand relics (the largest reliquary outside of the Vatican), St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe Pennsylvania (the first Benedictine Monastery in North America), a quick stop at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and St. Boniface Church for Sunday Mass (The Pittsburgh Latin Mass Society). Add sunny 23 degrees C (74 Fahrenheit) weather in March, and it made for an incredible trip.
If you are in the Pittsburgh area on a Sunday, make sure you attend the High Mass at St. Boniface Church. Here is the link to the Pittsburgh Latin Mass Society.
The remaining pictures include driving through Pittsburgh the first evening, the following morning at St. Vincents Archabbey in Latrobe PA, inside St. Anthony's Chapel in Pittsburgh, and finally Sunday morning before High Mass at St. Boniface Church in Pittsburgh.
Those are beautiful pictures, very inspiring